Internationals can vote

On the 19th of March the municipal elections will be held. Voting willbe possible atseveral locations throughout the city, such as the City Hall on the Markt or atthe faculty of EWI. If you are an EU-citizen living in Delft and you are olderthan 18, then you are also allowed to vote. Non EU-citizens are allowed to vote if they have lived continuously in Delft for the last 5years. For more information check the website of Delft.

Internationals can vote

After the municipal elections of 2010, STIP (Students of Technology In Politics) foundout that a lot of international students and expats did not know that theycould vote for the city council. STIP came with a motion to distribute electioninformation in English as well.

It isimportant to vote for the coming municipal election for the reason that thecity council decides how the city’s money is spent.For the next 4 years STIP envisions that the city invests in it knowledgeeconomy, builds more student and starters-housing, and create a vibrantcultural life. So that people can work, live and enjoy in Delft.

By: Gennadij Kreukniet